Animal Care courses
As a nation of animal lovers, we want the absolute best for our furry, fuzzy, scaley and hoofed friends. That’s why there are so many animal care roles around the country, with demand for everything from dog groomers to equine managers. If you have a passion for animals, here at Oxbridge, we can help you turn that into the skills, knowledge, and experience needed for your dream role.
Awarded Courses
Our NCFE CQ courses have a 100% pass rate. No matter your skill level, Oxbridge aims to support you through your learning journey.
Passion into Career
Take the first step and transform your love of animals into a wonderful career working with them!
Rewarding Career
Enjoy a fulfilling career with a great sense of meaning, improving the happiness and health of all different types of animals.
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More about Animal Care courses
Few industries offer greater job satisfaction than animal care – the sense of accomplishment knowing that you have brightened the day of a dog, horse, or cat is immeasurable. Perfect for people with a natural love for animals and a caring, compassionate nature, a career in animal care can bring you closer to the creatures you love. Get started by reading about our accredited online animal courses below.
Get started with one of our online courses below
Animal Care Level 3
This level 3 animal care course will give you a fantastic foundation of skills and knowledge to launch a career caring for creatures great and small.
Dog Grooming Level 3 Diploma
Turn your passion for pooches into a profitable profession with our dog grooming diploma!
Dog Health and Behaviour Level 2
Explore canine behaviour and welfare with this comprehensive level 2 course.
Horse Care Management Level 2
Discover the right way to care for your horse, from well-being and feeding to up-keeping stables and lawful requirements.
Veterinary Support Assistant
Kickstart a rewarding career working with animals as a veterinary support assistant with this course!
Zoology Level 3
Delve into the science of biodiversity and discover how you can help to protect and preserve life on Earth with our level 3 zoology course
Are you ready to change your world?
We appreciate being bold is easier said than done. This is why the team at Oxbridge aim to help you feel confident and rest assured in taking your next steps. Our friendly, knowledgeable Learning advisers are always on hand to offer you the best guidance.