A-Level and GCSE Exam Centres

As an Oxbridge student, sitting your GCSE or A-Level exams is as easy. You’re guaranteed a place at one of our exam centres. Check the details below to find your nearest centre, then contact us and we’ll sort out the rest.

A-levels and GCSEs require exams in order to complete the qualification; exam fees are not included in the cost of the course.

To help you achieve optimum success in your exams, we only use the best A-Level and GCSE exam centres with the best assessors. We aim to keep exam fees as low as possible and will always be honest about any additional costs during your enrolment. If you need us to to sit an exam for your course, please get in touch with our support team who will be able to help you get booked in.

Standard Exam Centres

We have centres across the country where you can take your exams. Please note that science exams require centres with labs (see below)

Science Exam Centres

Some science exams such as A-Levels in Physics, Chemistry and Biology require a practical endorsement, known as a CPAC where you’re supervised in a recognised Lab, carrying out practical activities that test your skill or knowledge in a specific subject area.

Students can opt out of the practical endorsements. However, we advise all students to double-check if opting out of this A-level examination will affect future career or university opportunities. This experience can make all the difference in your future career.

Check out our A-level Practical Endorsement Guide.

Non-examination Assessments

With some courses, such as A-Level English, you’ll have non-examination assessments. This is just a fancy way of saying coursework or speaking tests that need to be marked and supervised separately but will contribute toward your final grade. If any of these are requirements of your chosen course, we can help you arrange these, too!

Practical Endorsement

You may also come across something called Practical Endorsement, also known as a CPAC. This is a sometimes requirement of a Science A-Level (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). A CPAC is where you’re supervised in a recognised Lab, carrying out practical activities that test your skill or knowledge in a specific subject area.

As it is optional, students can opt out of the practical endorsements. However, we advise all students to double-check if opting out of this A-level examination will affect future career or university opportunities. This experience can make all the difference in your future career.

Check out our A-level Practical Endorsement Guide.