Things change so quickly. The most important moments can pass you by as you deal with your everyday life. Sometimes the only way to appreciate the world around you is to capture it. How? Most effectively through written words or visual means. Photography, is a great way to create a visual memoir that can track the developments around you.

Photo Journalism and Modern Times

The advent of increasingly accessible and sophisticated digital photography makes preserving the moment much easier. Social media also means that everyone can become an on-the-go journalist. You can do this by sharing news and uploading photos. THINK? Have you at times have you been at an event or witnessed something you wish you'd recorded. Why not start to do so?

Photo journalism getting started, its more than just a snap!

Most of us own a device that allows you to capture photos. You might tend to fill your camera or smartphone with selfies, food or snaps of the, not so cute, family dog. There is more to life than that. Maybe you've long had the desire to capture the most important events around you? Including breaking news stories.

If this is the case, and you do wish to use the medium of photography as a way to tell stories, consider enrolling in a distance learning course.

What is Photo Journalism?

Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism that uses images to tell a news story. Photojournalism, put simply, is about capturing verbs.

What can I learn about photo journalism?

This course will teach you how to take photos from a journalistic viewpoint. You will learn and explore using the most appropriate equipment and techniques. Furthermore, you will also learn about the principles of photojournalism, including how to find freelance job opportunities.

In short, on this course you will:

  • You will be introduced to journalistic techniques and how they relate to photography.
  • and be helped to become a Storyteller. Learn the principles of narrative, and how to tell a visual story.
  • You will complete the course and be armed with the knowledge and skills to produce professional standard photo journalistic articles.

Want to know more?

Oxbridge offers a Freelance Journalism course that will be perfect for kickstarting your new career. Finally , If you want to know more visit our website and get that camera out and start taking photos!

"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce."

- Karl Lagerfield