Thursday 17th August 2023 marks this year's A-level Results Day. If you don’t quite get the results you were expecting or need to get into university, try not to panic.

Retaking A-level exams can be a way of getting back on track. This guide will help you decide whether a resit is the best option and how to start the process.

Why should I resit my A-levels?

A-levels are the traditional route to university. Even if you decide that going to university isn't right for you, most employers will look at your grades as a fundamental part of assessing your suitability, as will organisations offering placements and internships, so they are ultimately important for most career paths

Retaking exams is also worth considering if you feel that you would achieve a better grade with a bit more help or with a better understanding of the course. Each situation is unique, but start by answering these questions honestly:

When can I resit my A-levels?

Exams for resits take place in the summer exam period. For 2023 resits, this will be in May/June 2024.

At Oxbridge, we accept all-year-round enrolment, so if you decide that this is the right option for you, get in touch with our learning advisers.

Where can I do my A-level resits?

Most of the time, you can retake your exams through your current school or college. However, if you want to study without the confines of a timetable or feel that you would learn better in your own environment, you can study for your A-levels online. Bear in mind, there are instances where you will need to sit an exam in a certified test centre.  

Do universities accept A-level resits?

Yes. Almost all universities officially accept resit results. They will be aware that you took the course again, however, so your chances of receiving an offer may be affected. That said, retaking your exams still demonstrates your commitment to getting the right grades, which can work in your favour.

How many A-level resits can you take?

You can take as many resits as you need to. Make sure you only take on courses you know will help you get onto your desired university course to avoid putting pressure on yourself in the run-up to your exams and keep yourself on track.

Will I need to pay for a resit?

There will be a cost to resit your exams, and this varies according to which course or courses you are looking to take. The good news is you won't necessarily have to pay all in one go. At Oxbridge, we have a pay monthly option available for all our online A-levels. Speak to our learning advisers for details.

Do I need to retake the entire course or just certain modules?

In the past, it was possible to just retake specific modules. However, this has changed with the restructuring of A-levels to a linear system between the years 2015 and 2018. Now, should you wish to resit, you will need to take the entire course again, which means revisiting topics that you might have found easier before getting to the more complicated ones.

How often can I resit my A-levels?

There is no limit to how many times you can retake an exam. However, being prepared and revising as much as you can puts you in the best position for success and reduces the need to have to retake in the first place, saving you stress and money!

Who can I talk to about retaking my exams?

If you're unhappy with the grades you get on Results Day, spend some time with your tutors to understand why things didn't quite work out. Was it a specific topic in the paper that you struggled with, or were you just a couple of marks away from getting a higher grade? Getting this insight can be useful in deciding where to go next, whether that's resitting or applying through Clearing.

At Oxbridge, our learning advisers are here to help guide you as well. We will give you all the information you need to find the pathway that will help you reach your goals. If you need to speak to one of the team to discuss your options, get in touch.

Want to know what else to expect on Results Day? Check out our helpful guide.