Matt Jones - How did you get here?

Matt Jones, Oxbridge founder and EdTech trailblazer

01 Sep 2021

In the latest episode of How did You Get Here?, we talk to our very own Matt Jones, Oxbridge founder and EdTech trailblazer. We covered it all, from how Matt launched one of the UK's leading online colleges, to creating the right office culture, and how to become an effective leader. If you've ever wondered how to cultivate the mindset of an entrepreneur, you won't want to miss this! Matt has widely been described as a leading EdTech Entrepreneur, with several successful businesses under his belt, along with interests in other tech businesses. Matt discusses how it wasn't until later in his career that he chose education. He also talks about his inspiration for this, and we go off on to a tangent about practical leadership and how that can apply to specific situations. All in all - a very useful insight into a dynamic and successful leader's style and implementation. In this podcast episode, we thought we'd turn the interview on its head and ask Lily and Rosie, who indirectly work with Matt, to do the interview and what a superb hosting debut they managed!

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