If you’ve been out of the job market for a few years, you probably think that applying for a job simply means handing out your CV and writing a decent cover letter. You’re half right; crafting great CVs and cover letters is incredibly important, and we walk you through exactly how to do that in our free Job Ready Pack. However, you should also know that in the recruitment process, video is increasingly taking centre stage. It's is an incredibly powerful tool – 65% of people prefer video to written content, and our brain processes video images 60,000 times faster than text! Hence, the rise in video CVs.

We’ve teamed up with Hinterview, the video recruitment experts, to bring you some top tips on how to make the best use of video in your job applications.

Make a video CV

A video CV isn’t meant to replace your traditional CV, but to go alongside it. Video CVs aren’t appropriate for every profession. For instance, if you’re applying for a position in law or medicine, they likely aren’t a good idea. However, if you’re applying for a creative or customer-facing position, a video CV is virtually guaranteed to increase your chances of landing the job. It should be a couple of minutes long, give a brief run through of your experience, and why you're suitable for the position. Above all, you should give the employer or recruiter an insight into your personality, and let them see why you’re the right fit for their company. If you’re unsure about the culture of the company, check out their website first.

Make a LinkedIn profile, and add a video!

If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, then make one – right now! As soon as an employer sees your name on your CV, if they like what they see, they will likely look you up. If you’re not there, this suggests that you don’t network with other professionals and haven't taken the time to create a professional profile to showcase your skills and experience. If you have a LinkedIn profile and you’ve applied for a position, you can ask to connect with the named contact to give them a gentle nudge towards your profile.

Once you’ve created your profile, consider adding a video. Either your video CV or just a video about yourself, or both! This will let potential employers and recruiters get an insight into who you are, what you’re passionate about, and what you’ll be able to bring to any future position. It also lets them know that you’re someone who takes initiative and is willing to go the extra mile to stand out from the crowd.

Send a short video to the hiring manager

When you apply for a job, try to find out the name of the hiring manager in charge of the application process. Once you’ve got this information, try to find that person on LinkedIn, and send them a short video introducing yourself. This video can be more brief and concise than your video CV or LinkedIn profile video, as it's simply a friendly hello, talking about why you’re keen on landing that job. The key is to seem friendly and enthusiastic, as these are attractive qualities to employers and hiring managers. Hopefully, this will let them see that you’re willing to put extra effort in to attain the position, and you're a cut above the other candidates. It will also allow them to warm to you as a person, and to feel as though they know you a little.

Hopefully, these tips will help to make your job search more fruitful. For more detailed instructions on exactly what to include in a video CV and see a real example of one, enrol on our Job Ready Pack today.