Man stressed while working on laptop
Man looking stressed on laptop

Burnout is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It is caused by prolonged stress, and it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Burnout can also cause a loss of interest in work and a feeling of detachment from others. Fortunately, there are several ways to avoid feeling burnt out, check out these tips below. 

1. Manage your workload

One of the primary causes of burnout is an overwhelming workload. To avoid burnout, it is essential to prioritise tasks and delegate responsibilities if required. Avoid taking on more than you can handle and communicate with colleagues or supervisors when necessary. The more you internalise feelings of stress and being overwhelmed, the worse your symptoms will become.  

Studies have shown that one of the main causes of burnout occurs when an employee takes on too many tasks simultaneously. Time management is of course a key skill in the workplace, but task management is of equal importance.

2. Take breaks

Woman looking relaxed whilst browisng on her mobile phone.
Woman looking relaxed whilst browisng on her mobile phone.

Many job roles come with the premise of working long hours, so it is essential to take breaks to rest and recharge. Taking appropriately scheduled breaks can help reduce stress, improve concentration, and prevent exhaustion. You can take short breaks during the day, schedule time off, or take a vacation to help you relax and unwind. You will find that when you are appropriately rested, you avoid occurrences such as scatterbrain and brain fog. Allowing yourself to be more confident in your decision making and more attentive when carrying out daily tasks. Be kind to your body, both physically and mentally.  

A study conducted by Loughborough University highlights the importance of taking frequent breaks. The stats show an increase in mood, productivity, creativity and physical health.

3. Exercise & improve your diet 

Exercise is an effective way to reduce stress and prevent burnout. Regular physical activity can improve your mood, increase energy levels, and reduce anxiety. Even a short walk during a break can help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. A cleaner diet can also have a positive impact on your wellness, foods that a high in protein can result in a healthier mental state long term.  

Interested in discovering more food, health and fitness? Oxbridge provide courses which can educate you on the world of nutrition and wellness.  

4. Connect with colleagues 

Social support is essential for preventing burnout. Connecting with colleagues can provide a sense of community, reduce stress, and improve mental health. Consider joining a professional association or attending a networking event to meet like-minded individuals in your field. Do not underestimate how much being surrounded by supportive people can help your mood.  

Young businesspeople fist bumping each other before a meeting in a boardroom. Two colleagues smiling cheerfully while greeting each other. Group of businesspeople attending a briefing in a modern office.
Young businesspeople fist bumping each other before a meeting in a boardroom. Two colleagues smiling cheerfully while greeting each other. Group of businesspeople attending a briefing in a modern office.

5. Practice self-care 

Self-care is crucial for preventing burnout. Taking care of yourself both physically and mentally can help you maintain balance and prevent burnout. Some self-care practices include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet as previously mentioned, engaging in hobbies, and practicing mindfulness or meditation. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish.  

6. Seek professional help 

If you are experiencing symptoms of burnout, it's essential to seek professional help. Burnout can have serious consequences for your mental and physical health, so nipping it in the bud is of paramount importance. Consider talking to a GP if your symptoms are having a significant impact on your general wellbeing.  

Mature Male Patient In Consultation With Doctor In Office
Mature Male Patient In Consultation With Doctor In Office

Pathways to prevention & recovery 

Burnout is a common problem among full-time workers, but it is preventable. By managing your workload, taking breaks, exercising, connecting with colleagues, practicing self-care, and seeking professional help, you can reduce the risk of eventually becoming burnt out. Stop burning the candle at both ends, be kind to yourself, and maintain a healthy quality of life.