Seeking advice and more often actioning it is not always easy, however, you may face times in your life when you are unsure about what your next steps should be. Some people are self-reliant, where as others actively seek advice. Perhaps you don't know where to get such advice?

The recent release of GCSE and A-level results mean that a large number of young people are now facing this very challenge and seeking the advice of Parents, friends, siblings and teachers. The decisions you face may be in relation to career development, educational choices or more personal decisions. Often, you rely on your own instincts when choosing your path. Although there is certainly a benefit in assessing your options based on your own preferences and experiences, it is also important to seek advice where you can.

Seeking Advice from Family and friends

The people around you often know you best. This means when it comes to making a decision, they can be the best people to talk to. They usually understand you well enough to know when you are making potentially harmful or hasty decisions. Family and friends are also usually able to be honest with you in a way that other people may not.

Seeking Advice from Professionals

There may be times when talking to friends and family is not an option; either due to a conflict in opinion or because of difficult relationships. This is when accessing impartial and professional advice can be a good idea. For many young people at the moment, this may mean talking to a careers adviser about their next steps. If you need to talk about more personal issues, this may mean accessing support from a counselling or advisory service, such as the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Been there, done that

Seeking advice from someone who has been in a similar position is always useful. This can be especially useful if you are trying to decide on a career move. The best way to find out what a certain job is like is to talk to someone currently in the role; as this should mean you are given an honest account of the pros and cons of the particular career. Furthermore, this can also apply to decisions around difficult decisions, such as changing jobs, moving to a different country or returning to Education.

Remember, when it comes to making decisions, there is not always a clear answer. There is nothing wrong with needing to take the time to think things through. In fact, this often leads to better long-term outcomes. Just don't keep everything to yourself - start talking!

If you do need to discuss your next educational steps, please do not hesitate to contact Oxbridge on 0121 630 3000. Both A-levels and GCSEs are available through distance learning or if you find yourself as the one that all of your friends and family come to in a time or need or crisis why not consider becoming a Counsellor or Life Coach? Study from the comfort of your own home with Oxbridge.