Are you ready for a promotion?

You work hard. In fact, you go above and beyond the call of duty for your employer. Enthusiasm is endless and you have great work ethics. All of the credentials are in place to be the perfect fit for the next position but you are not getting the traction at work to get ahead. Unfortunately, promotion is not always a straightforward process. You will need to adopt some strategies to get noticed. This blog looks at some tips for getting that well-deserved promotion.

Use self-promotion

Many of you shy away from self-promotion, but sometimes the only way to get noticed is to ensure you are selling yourself. Consequently, you will stand out, others will notice your hard work. However, there is a fine line between appearing confident and just being annoying, so approach this strategy with caution. The appraisal process can be a good point to discuss your particular skills and strengths and start to investigate routes for development.

Get a mentor

It can be useful to talk to someone who can provide guidance on your career. Someone who can help you move into a similar position or gain a better understanding of how the business works. This person could be someone you admire and who has the skills you wish to build. You do not necessarily have to set up regular meetings with this person, especially if they are particularly busy. It may be just a case of checking in with them at key moments.

Develop your network

Networking both within and outside your business can be another good way to work towards a promotion. This allows you to build your profile. Remember that being a good networker is not talking endlessly about yourself - you also need to find out about other people and their job roles. Online networking sites like LinkedIn can be useful if you are less inclined to face-to-face networking.

Expand your responsibilities

Another way to carve a path towards a promotion is to take on additional responsibilities, where possible. Putting yourself forward when new opportunities arise will demonstrate your willingness to try new things and to push yourself. If you can show how valuable you are to the business through the work you do, you are more likely to be quickly identified for job promotion opportunities.

Invest in training and development

A promotion generally doesn't fall into your lap, if you want to climb the career ladder then you will need to be proactive. You may also be able to bag that deserved promotion by investing in further training and development opportunities. You may even be able to persuade your employer to fund this for you. Your organisation or company should offer regular training and professional development. However, you should not limit yourself to what is available at work, as your employer will value that you invest in yourself beyond the workplace.

"Anything is possible it's just hard work and grafting," Mo Farah.

If you are interested in further training and development, Oxbridge offers a wide range of work-related distance learning courses, including business and project management courses.

If you feel you need to brush up on your interview and CV skills to enable you to gain a promotion, short courses in both are also available.

Go on, get out there and get yourself that promotion!
